The Ultimate Guide on How to Get Rid of Tinnitus

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The Ultimate Guide on How to Get Rid of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is often described as a low or high-pitch ringing, hissing, roaring, whooshing, buzzing or similar noise in one or both ears. It has no external source, and only the sufferer can hear it. The British Tinnitus Association (BTA) estimates that 1 in 8 (13.2%) people in the UK live with the condition. While for some, these sounds come and go, for others, it’s a constant annoyance that makes work, sleep and day-to-day living impossible. 

What Is Conductive Hearing Loss? Everything You Need to KnowSo how do you get rid of tinnitus? Unfortunately, as it isn’t a disease but an issue connected to the auditory nerve that connects the ear to the brain, it doesn’t have a cure. However, there are several treatments available that can help reduce these debilitating noises. Read on as we discuss the three most common methods for silencing the sounds in your head, allowing you to enjoy a life free from the ringing in your ears.


Use Sound-Cancelling Devices

Sound-cancelling or masking devices typically come in the form of a machine that plays ambient music and nature sounds. These may include crashing waves or falling rain, or hearing aids that sit in the ear and produce continuous, low-frequency white noise to suppress tinnitus symptoms. You might also want to consider creating your own soothing sounds by turning on a fan, dehumidifier or air conditioning unit at night to help you sleep.  

Related Reading: How to stop Tinnitus at night

Plus, as most tinnitus is caused by hearing loss, it’s extremely important you prevent your symptoms from worsening by wearing appropriate ear defenders or plugs, especially if you work as a musician or in an industry that uses loud tools.

Try Ear Wax Removal

Wax is an essential and natural secretion that helps protect our ears from dirt, dust, bacteria and infections. However, a buildup in your ear canal can sometimes cause tinnitus due to the pressure from the blockage stimulating your nerve cells, along with many other complaints, including dizziness, disorientation and a partial loss of hearing. 

If sounds are becoming muffled or you feel like there’s a fullness inside your ear, ditch the cotton buds as these can push wax further down the canal. Contact a qualified audiologist experienced in ear wax syringing and microsuction who can remove the blockage without causing any damage.

See a Professional Audiologist

There’s no need to suffer quietly — instead, reach out to those that can help. Professional audiologists provide scientifically backed solutions to help reduce the effects of tinnitus, and they also offer support. 

At Regain Hearing, we administer some of the most advanced tinnitus treatments in the UK. We start by carrying out a comprehensive consultation and grading the severity of your condition based on a globally recognised scoring system, the Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI). After evaluating your symptoms, we then implement a treatment plan explicitly tailored to you and your specific needs. 

It’s also important to note that as tinnitus can cause high levels of emotional stress, those suffering from particularly traumatising cases of the condition might also benefit from behavioural therapy, especially if they’re feeling depressed, anxious or have insomnia. The counselling options most frequently prescribed by doctors are Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and both teach coping techniques to stop these persistent sounds having such a significant impact on your life.

With clinics located in London, Kent and Essex, our highly qualified team of audiologists are passionate about helping you regain your quality of hearing. Book a consultation today to discover the life-changing effects of our pioneering tinnitus treatments.

